Last Supper Figurine | Leonardo da Vinci | 9-1/4" x 3-1/2" | Bronze | WU73765A4 "On the night he was betrayed..." The familiar words are spoken at the Catholic Mass, thus beginning the commemoration of Last Supper during the celebration of the Eucharist. This bronze and pewter figurine renders Leonardo da Vinci's world... $75.00 Add to Cart
Last Supper Figurine | Renaissance Collection | 4-1/2" | Resin | 11345 This figurine of the Last Supper is rendered in minute detail. Each expression of Christ and the twelve apostles is given loving attention The table is covered with a cloth, with even its folds delineated, as well as the food on plates. This... $90.00 Add to Cart
Last Supper Statue Style 7184 This Last Supper Statue is made from resin and lightly hand-painted in Bronze, can be outdoor/indoor, if outdoor being a mix of bronze there will be a natural oxidization that will change the coloring if outside. Width 14Û $49.95 Add to Cart