Saints and Feast Day List
St Agatha | February 5th | breast cancer, earth quakes, natural disaters, sterility, fire prevention, jewelers, martyrs, nurses, rape victims, |
St Albert | November 15th | medical technicians, scientists, philosophers, schoolchildren, students |
St Alexander of Alexandria | February 26th | doctor of the church |
St Andrew | November 30th | anglers, singers, unmarried women, women wanting to become mothers, against sore throats, gout |
St Anne | July 26th | against poverty, carpenters, equestrians, pregnancy, miners, seamstresses, homemakers, grandparents |
St Anthony | June 13th | starvation, American Indians, elderly, fishermen, lost articles, sailors, travellers, poor |
St Apollonia | February 9th | tooth disease, toothache, dentist |
St Agustine | August 28th | sore eyes, brewers, printers, theologians |
St Barbara | December 4th | fires, storms, architects, artillery, construction workers, firefighters, stone masons |
St Benedict | July 11th | kidney disease, poisoning, school children |
St Benjamin | March 31st | deacons |
St Bernadette | April 16th | poverty, sickness, shepherds, poor, |
St Bernard | August 20th | beekeepers, bee, candlemakers, |
St Blaise | February 3rd | throats diseases, coughs, veterinarians, animals, builders, carvers |
St Boniface | June 5th | brewers, file cutters, tailors |
St Brendan | May16th | boatmen, mariners, sailors, travellers, whales, |
St Camillus | July 14th | illness, sickness, hospitals, hospital workers, nurses |
St Catherine | April 29th | illness, fires, miscarriages, sickness, temptations, firefighters, nurses, ridiculed people |
St Catherine Laboure | November 28th | miraculous medal, |
St Celcilia | November 22nd | composers, music, musicians, poets, singers, martyrs |
St Charles | November 4th | abdominal pain, colic, intestinal disorders, ulcers, bishops, catechists, catechumens, seminarians, spiritual leaders |
St Christopher | July 25th | bad dreams, epilepsy, floods, sotrms, toothache, archers, truck drivers, gardeners, travellers, motorist |
St Clare of Assisi | August 11th | eyes, embroiderers, telephones, television, weather, gilders, goldsmiths, laundry workers, |
St Cosmas | September 26th | blindness, barbers, chemical industry, doctors, pharmacist, physicians, surgeons |
St Damian | September 26th | blindness, barbers, chemical industry, doctors, pharmacist, physicians, surgeons |
St Daniel | July 21st | prophet |
St David | December 29th | poets |
St Dennis | October 9th | headaches, hydrophobia, rabies, strife, possessed people |
St Dominic | August 8th | astronomers, astronomy, scientists, falsely accused people |
St Dorothy | February 6th | brewers, brides, florists, gardeneres, midwives, newlyweds |
St Dymphna | May 15th | epilepsy, mental illness, psychiatrist, therapist, family happiness, neurological disorders |
St Edith Stein | August 9th | death of parents, martyrs, europe |
St Edward | October 13th | difficult marriages, kings, separated spouses |
St Elizabeth Ann Seton | January 4th | death of children and parents, in-law issues, widows, apostleship of the sea |
St Elizabeth of Hungary | November 17th | bakers, brides, charities, homeless, hospitals, widows, toothaches |
St Florian | May 4th | against battle, against drowning, fire, floods, brewers, firefighters, |
St Frances Cabini | December 22nd | malaria, emigrants, orphans |
St Francis Assisi | October 4th | animals, ecologist, environment, families, merchants, peace, zoos |
St Francis de Sales | January 24th | deafness, educators, journalist, teachers, writers |
St Francis Xavier | December 3rd | missionaries, navigators, african, black, parish missions, plague, |
St Gabriel | September 29th | broadcasters, clergy, diplomats, post office, postal services, television, telephones, radio |
St Genesius | August 25th | actors, attorneys, clowns, comedians, converts, dancers, musicians, printers |
St George | April 23rd | herpes, plague, skin diseases, archers, butchers, farmers, equestrians, soldiers, shepherds |
St Gerard | October 16th | childbirth, children, expectant mothers, motherhood, unborn, pro-life |
St Gregory | September 3rd | plague, educators, papcy, popes, schoolchildren, singers, students, teachers |
St Helen | August 18th | archeologists, converts, difficult marriages, divorced people |
St Hubert | November 3rd | archers, dogs, hunters, forest workers, mathematicians, opticians, |
St Isidore | April 4th | computer users, technicians, internet, schoolchildren, students |
St Ives | February | advocates, judges |
St James | May 3rd | pharmacists |
St Jason | July 12th | converts |
St Joan of Arc | May 30th | prisoners, soldiers, martyrs |
St John Berchman | November 26th | altar servers, eucharistic ministers |
St John Bosco | January 31st | apprentices, editors, hispanic youth, schoolchildren, students |
St John Neumann | January 5th | redemptorist, students |
St John of God | March 8th | alcoholism, illness, firefighters, heart patients, nurses, publishers, |
St John the Baptist | August 29th | epilepsy, hailstorms, baptism, bird dealers, converts, motorways, printers, tailors |
St John the Evangelist | December 27th | againist burns, poisoning, art dealers, authors, booksellers, editors, engravers, friendship, theologians |
St Joseph | March 19th | carpenters, emigrants, families, fathers, laborers, expectant mothers,social justice, travellers |
St Joseph the Workers | May 1st | laboreres, working people |
St Joseph Cupertino | September 18th | air travellers, pilots, air crew, astronauts, aviators, paratroopers, students |
St Joshua | September 1st | reading, literature, intelligence professionals |
St Jude | October 28th | desperate situations, forgotten causes, hospitals, hospital workers, impossible causes, lost causes |
St Julia | May 22nd | tortured victims |
St Justin | June 1st | apologists, lecturers, orators, philosophers, speakers |
St Katharine Drexel | March 3rd | betterment of those called to serve |
St Kevin | June 3rd | blackbirds, Ireland |
St Kilian | July 8th | rheumatism, gout, |
St Lawrence | August 10th | archivists, brewers, butchers, chefs, comedians, deacons, librarians, poor, restaurants |
St Lazarus | February 23rd | poor, sick |
St Louise | March 15th | sad children, loss of parents, rejected, illness, social workers, widows |
St Lucia | December 13th | blindness, eyes, sore throats, authors, poor, stained glass workers, writers |
St Luke | October 18th | artist, bookbinders, brewers, butchers, doctors, glass makers, goldsmiths painters, |
St Margaret | October 16th | polio, death of parents |
St Maria Faustina | October 5th | lymphedema, heart conditions, milroy's disease |
St Maria Goretti | July 6th | poverty, children, youth, poor, rape |
St Mark | April 25th | impenitence, insect bites, struma, attorney's, prisoners, notaries, lions |
St Martha | July 29th | butlers, cooks, housewives, maids, servants, serveres, travellers |
St Martin de Porres | November 3rd | african-americans, barbers, social justice, hair stylist, poor, public education, racial harmony, television |
St Mary Magdalene | July 22nd | sexual temptation, converts, pharmacist, penitent sinners, perfumers |
St Matthew | September 21st | accountants, bankers, guards, security guards, security forces, stock brokers |
St Maximilian kolbe | August 14th | drug addicts, families, prisoners, journalist, pro-life |
St Michael | September 29th | ambulance drivers, artists, bakers, bankers, battle, grocers, mariners, paramedics, police, radiologist, sailors, soldiers |
St Nicholas | December 6th | against imprisonment, against robbers, archers, brides, captives, children, fishermen, grooms, judges, merchants, pharmacist, poor |
St Patrick | March 17th | against snakes, against snake bites, engineers, ophidiophobia |
St Paul | June 29th | against snakes, authors, evangelist, journalist, musicians, publishers, reporters, rope makers, saddlers, writers |
St Peregrine | May 1st | against cancer, skin diseases, AIDS |
St Peter | June 29th | feet, fever, bakers, bridge builders, clock makers, anglers, locksmiths, masons, ship builders, shoemakers, watch makers |
St Philip | May 3rd | hatters, pastry chefs |
St Philomena | August 11th | barrenness, infertility, mental illness, infants, desperate causes, impossible causes, poor, priest, prisoners, students, youth |
St Pio | September 23rd | civil defense volunteers, stress relief |
St Raphael | September 29th | eye disease, mental illness, blind, doctors, pharmacist, love, lovers, nurses, physicians, travellers, young people |
St Raymond | January 7th | attorney's, canonist, medical record librarians |
St Richard | April 3rd | coachmen |
St Rita | May 22nd | abuse victims, infertility, loneliness, desperate causes, difficult marriages, parenthood, widows |
St Robert | April 29th | Catechist |
St. Roch (San Roque) | August 16th | dogs, falsely accused people, invalids, diseased cattle, epidemics, knee, skin, plague, pestilence |
St Rose | August 23rd | against vanity, embroiderers, florist, gardeners, |
St Sarah | August 19th | laughter, music, |
St Scholastica | February 10th | storms, convulsive children, nuns |
St Sebastian | January 20th | cattle, plague. Archers, athletes, gardeners, gunsmiths, hardware stores, ironmongers, masons, police, soldiers |
St Stephen | December 26th | headaches, casket makers, deacons, horses, masons |
St Teresa of Avila | October 15th | illness, headaches, parent protector, need of grace, religious order life |
St Theresa of Lisieux | February 3rd | coughs, throat diseases, animals, builders, veterinarians |
St Thomas Aquinas | January 28th | academics, storms, apologists, chastity, colleges, philosophers, publishers, scholars, schools, students, theologians, universities |
St Thomas More | June 22nd | adopted children, court clerks, large families, lawyers, politicians, step-parents, widowers |
St Thomas the Apostle | July 3rd | blindness, doubt, architects, builders, geometricians, masons, surveyors |
St Timothy | May 3rd | blind, architects, carpenters, masons, |
St Valentine of Rome | February 14th | couples, epilepsy, fainting, bee keepers, engaged couples, happy marriages, love, lovers, travellers, young people |
St Veronica | July 12th | laundry workers, photographers |
St Vianney | August 4th | confessors, priest |
St Vincent de Paul | September 27th | charities, horses, hospital workers, hospitals, lost articles, prisoners, spiritual help, volunteers |
St William | June 20th | adopted children |
St William of Vercelli | June 25th | health, prosperity, healing, relationships, stomach illnesses, depression, adoption, cancer |
St Zachary | November 5th | peace, coming of messiah |
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